How did I come to this, Poetry by Catherine Adams Webb

Genre: Life, Society, Sad, Rhyme

How did I come to this
by Catherine Adams Webb

A penny in my pocket, a hole in my shoes, how did I come to this?

Tired worn out clothes that has no more color, even my socks do not cover my toes, how did I come to this?
When it is very hot I have nothing to cool me, and when it is very cool I have nothing to warm me, how did I come to this?

When I was young and cared for I had warmth, and coolness when needed. Now I am old and wonder, how did I come to this?

As I sit here and reminisce, I say AH! yes, I know how I came to this, and much, much more, I was always so very, very, poor. I am sorry to have to tell you such a sad, sad, poem, but you see, if you just look at me then you too will know how I came to be.

Do not live life in a bliss, or you too will ask, how did I come to this?

Maybe it’s not that I am poor, I guess I just closed the door.

By WILDsound Festival

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