VIDEO PITCH for “INKED IN BLOOD”, by Paul Corricelli

Watch the Video Pitch for INKED IN BLOOD:

Get to know writer Paul Corricelli:

1. What is your story about?

INKED IN BLOOD is a gritty horror screenplay about a tortured, tattooed young albino named Aesop Quarrels. Seventeen years after escaping from a living hell, he has returned to the town he ran away from as a child, to exact his revenge on all those who wronged him. One by one he will make them pay. Not only to mend the shattered pieces of his own life, but for his mother’s suffering as well.

Past horrors begin to unfold as he embarks on a twisting trail of carnage that will ultimately lead to Aesop facing the one man responsible for their suffering – his father, and in the process he will uncover a hidden family secret that threatens to tear him apart.

2. Why should people know about yourself and your story?

Inked In Blood won the 2014 Table Read My Screenplay Contest, Park City, Horror category. I have been working in the film industry for 20 years (unfortunately not as a writer-yet) and have learned a great deal about film making in the process.

My protagonist is an antihero, but he is not just a cold blooded killer. He kills to wright the wrongs done to himself, and the only other person who ever loved him. He does however have a conscious, and knows he will someday be held accountable for his action. He struggles with his decisions, and whether he’s justified in his actions. I think that makes him more human, more relatable.

The story is very character driven, and you’ll meet quite a few interesting people along the way.

3. How long have you been writing stories?

I’ve been writing stories for about ten years, although as a teenager I would write and draw my own comic books. After twelve years in the music industry, I returned to rediscover my love for writing.

4. What movie have you seen the most in your life?

The movie I’ve seen the most in my life would have to be, The Big Lebowski. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve watched it.

5. Who would you like to collaborate with on a creative project?

If I could collaborate with anyone, it would have to be the Coen Brothers or Quenten Tarantino. (A guy can dream)

6. How many stories/screenplays have you written?

I’ve written six screenplays, and two shorts. I also have several Ideas “in the works.”

7. What motivated you to write this story?

I started this screenplay for two reasons. While working on a TV show, a few crew members-and aspiring writers, decided to have a writing contest among themselves, and the subject had to be thriller or horror. After getting in on the action and struggling to come up with a story idea, I had a clear “vision” (if you will), of a scene that takes place in a diner, where my protagonist is sitting with the girl who tormented him in grade school, and things quickly escalate.

8. Describe your process; do you have a set routine, method for writing?

Since I work in the film industry, it’s really hard to get any writing done while I’m working. If I get an Idea on the job, I usually jot down some notes and revisit them on the weekend. When I’m not working I have a pretty regimented plan for writing. I go somewhere relatively quiet (yes, usually a coffee shop), and try to spend a few hours writing a day.

9. Apart from writing, what else are you passionate about?

I went to art school, and I’m pretty passionate about photography. I have had my work featured in galleries around Los Angeles and in New York. I’ve been lucky enough to have some of my work published, and I’ve also won a few awards, so It’s something I try to keep up with.

10. What influenced you to have your story made into a video pitch?

I’m a pretty quiet person, and I have to admit I’m not very good at promoting myself. I’ve dedicated myself to really pushing my work this year, and when I saw your service I thought it was a great idea.

11. Any advice or tips you’d like to pass on to other writers?

Keep writing, even when you’re stuck. I’ve been lucky enough to have spent several years working on a David Milch show. He would, very often, have long dialogs on set (with the actors) about their characters, what motivates them, their flaws, etc. It was like getting a free writing class everyday. His advice when you’re stuck (or even if you’re not), is to write a conversation between two people. No description, no names, just write. When you’re done put it away, then repeat the same process the next day. I took his advice, and practice this often. It’s really helped me.

    * * * * *

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By WILDsound Festival

Submitters reactions to their feedback on their stories. New testimonials coming each month! Watch this month's winning readings. At least 15 performances a month: Submit your script, story, poem, or film to the festival today:


  1. Well, Wildsoundreview, we could not be more flattered by any “follow” than by yours! Really? Yes.

    Yours is a useful, vital site, a solid concept, precisely delivered, good conversation with some burning artists, it’s all great. We’ll visit in the future, thanks for making us more aware.

    To let you know, our “Sounding” series will conclude in December. We plan to re-post the entire set during 2016, perhaps via a password. You will know of this when we do. Until then, each “Sounding” is only visible during the month of its posting. There are only four remaining, so we hope you enjoy them!

    To give you a scoop, since you were kind enough to “follow” (strange word, eh?), both “Campanology” and “L.A. Alley with Jose Hazy” series will continue during 2016, as well as a new feature which also focuses upon Los Angeles and Hollywood. So we’re becoming a “local interest” blog! Well, L.A. is locally interesting, so we feel the approach is sustainable for a while.

    Again, we are thrilled to have heard from you, and so positively. We dig your site, and its very relevant endeavor.


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