BOUDOIR – AUDIENCE FEEDBACK from the Oct. 2015 Film Festival

Watch the Audience FEEDBACK for BOUDOIR:

Here’s what the audience had to say about BOUDOIR (moderated by Matthew Toffolo):

“I liked this film. The theme. The sexy-ness. It was a solid short.”

“This layer of super-sexy that’s intimating and scary. It’s an interesting contrast.”

“A scary film. Creepy. And sexy too.”

“You won’t see another film quite like this one. Great!”

BOUDOIR, 9min, US, Horror/Mystery
Directed by Gina Lee Ronhovde

An agoraphobic photographer is psychologically tortured by a mysterious client during a routine boudoir photography session, escalating into a battle to stay alive.

Director Statement

“Cooper…the idea for this…really came from a dream?”

“Yes, Harry, it did.”

– Twin Peaks

The concept of BOUDOIR originally came from a terrifying, David Lynch-y-Twin Peaks-inpsired dream I had at age 13, where I stumbled upon a body wrapped in plastic.

In a panic, I called 911, and turned the body over, only to discover it was…ME.

Although BOUDOIR does not follow that dream per se, that revolutionary moment of discovering one’s own body was something I always wanted to see on a big screen.

Who would have ever thought that one day, David Lynch’s music collaborator John Neff (responsible for the music and sound of Mulholland Drive) himself would write original, Lynchian music for the short film that was originally, unconsciously inspired by a David Lynch creation like Twin Peaks?

A dream come true.

Funny how life comes full circle…

By WILDsound Festival

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