TV PILOT SCI-FI – GALAPAGOS, by by Lukas Hassel

TV Screenplay Festival. Submit Today.


Genre: Sci-Fi, Adventure

It’s year 2437. 3000 meters under the icy crust of earth, the last remaining pocket of humanity struggles to answer the question: Is life for the sake of living any life at all?Extinction is the rule. Survival, the exception.


Red: Lara Amersey
Charlotte: Jane Smythe
Captain: Rais Moui
Narrator: Hugh Ritchie
Dan: Scott McCulloch
Bram: Tim Paul McCarthy
Laura: Georgia Grant
Ash: Alicia Payne

Get to know the writer:

1. What is your TV Pilot screenplay about?

What happens inside and outside Station Galápagos is a harsh examination of the things we don’t understand and the things we refuse to understand; the leaps of faith we take; the tough choices we are forced to make; and the fine points that can make our existence worthwhile.

It tries to answer the question: is hope for good or for bad?

2. Why should this screenplay be…

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