
Weekly Film & Screenplay Festival taking place in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City, Toronto. Showcasing the best of new talent from around the world today. 

Film Festival: Screen the best of short films from around the world, while maintaining the audience feedback format at our weekly festivals in the 4 cities. The only festival in the world that makes the audience the main character. We show over 50 short films from around the the world every single month. Search the site and watch!

Screenplay Festival: Full Feedback on all entries. Get your script, novel, short story, or poem performed by professional actors. At least 25 performance videos and movies (books and poems turned into a film) made a month!

Email us at forwards@wildsoundfestival.com for any questions or inquiries about the festival.

Go to www.wildsoundfestival.com for daily deadlines and to submit your story today to the festival.

Go to www.youtube.com/wildsoundfest and watch 1000s of winning videos performed.

Festival run by Matthew Toffolo since May 2013. The new revised festival.


  1. Thanks for following! I have a little known but well liked by those who’ve read the first two books (none have commented on the third yet). I’d like to submit the first chapter of my first book “Immortal Relations” http://amzn.com/B006ZCBT6G It starts with a true-life family event where I find a photograph proving something my late mother had said all those many years ago about my late father having had a “tryst” while stationed overseas. This is what started me writing the first novel and later the series. I believe not all those in any group are always worthy of being considered “enemies,” bringing that and other unique features to my novels.


  2. Hey there! Just wanted to stop by and say thank you for following my blog. Stayed tuned. New mad scribblings every Thursday. Just don’t ask about my gold. Ever.



  3. Heya thank you for checking out my blog, I appreciate the follow. Looking forward to your posts 🙂


  4. How nice to be in contact. Somehow you found the blog where I write about photography. I suppose I do move into story mode every now and then, but only as a discussion on photography. If ya wandered my blog you’d find that is my only topic of discussion.
    I look forward to spending time browsing your “WILDsound Writing, Screenplay and Film Festival Review”. Thanks for letting me know.


  5. Hi there, thanks for visiting and following my blog. What a cool idea having actors perform parts of people’s writing. I can imagine what a thrill it would be to see one’s work brought to life like that!


  6. Hey sorry i got no web site just an email but i have stories that i realy love for it to be a movie i dont know how


  7. Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for following my blog! I’m looking forward to checking out your posts. I think you guys provide a really great opportunity for writers like myself.


  8. Hello and thanks for the follow. What you do with the written word seems interesting. If I felt more confident with my own poetry, I would probably submit one-however, it’s not something I excel at. I have followed you back and look forward to browsing your work.


  9. Thank you so much for following my blog on ‘Finding the Positives in Life’s Experiences’. I try to find positive aspects in every situation in hopes it brings light to someone else’s life. I’ve also followed you back and look forward to checking out the many other writer’s on your blog/site.


  10. It is most kind of you to follow my blog. I’m not entirely certain I have understood your modus here – do you take unsolicited work to perform it? If so is your aim that I might do just that? Happy to look and see if that us so.


  11. Thanks for visiting my blog! Its nice to meet you. Very nice concept you have here. Looking forward to more from you. Best wishes!


  12. Hello. Thanks for following my poetry blog. Please feel free to scroll and look at my haiku verses extracted from my ‘Reflections’ series, which I have also self-published on Amazon Create Space. As well as haiku, I have also posted single stanza verses, and am also experimenting with Tanka (5-7-5-7-7), of which a more recent post, Austerity, is an example. I’ll keep reading you blog. Perhaps I’ll submit something too! Many thanks.


  13. Hello! just wanted to say thank you for following my blog. Stay tuned for more updates. I hope you continue to enjoying reading my work.

    Have a good day! 🙂


  14. Thank you so much for following my blog! I hope you enjoy my work, and please, feel free to leave feedback or ideas.
    Happy reading!
    -Author S


  15. Halooooooooooooooooo! Thankiee for following my blog! I’ll definitely free a day to explore this blog!!! Have a blast!!! 😀


  16. Thank you for following me and the storyhounds. It’s great what you’re doing here – I’ve had some of my work performed and made into a film, and it was a real buzz to see it come to life!


  17. Thank you for following my blog on art. What you do is great. Very glad to see you promoting writers and actors this way– the Internet truly gives voice to so many more than stages and book publishers can.


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