Interview with Screenwriter George Deihl Jr. (ALGORITHM)

Matthew Toffolo's Summary

Matthew Toffolo: What is your screenplay about?

Thematically, The Algorithm is about the dangers of strict adherance to a religion or ideology and how those beliefs can be directly opposed to morality and a common sense of decency.

2. What genres does your screenplay fall under?

Science Fiction. I always imagined it’s style to match an original ‘Star Trek’ or ‘The Outer Limits’ episode. I thought that style juxtaposed against the tone and modern theme of the piece would be very dynamic.

3. Why should this screenplay be made into a movie?

The current political climate and vast differences we are struggling with as a nation are portrayed through the characters within the story. It is hard to find a “middle ground” when certain parties are willing to sacrifice the rights and values of woman and minorities to remain in power.

4. How would you describe this script in two…

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By WILDsound Festival

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