Interview with Director Brooke Goldfinch (RED ROVER)

Matthew Toffolo's Summary

  MOVIE POSTERBrooke Goldfinch’s short film RED ROVER played at the Sci-Fi Short Film Festival in September 2016 to amazing success.

It was an honor to interview her and talk about her experiences making the film and what’s next for her:

Matthew Toffolo: What motivated you to make this film?

Brooke Goldfinch: The first scene of Red Rover was an idea I’d had for a very long time. Essentially we’re seeing people doing something very normal – having a dinner party- but there’s something sinister in the way they do it and the audience can’t shake the feeling they’re not understanding something. It wasn’t until years later that I had a disturbing dream about the end of the world and I felt compelled to put that scene on paper. I think the end of the world genre is fascinating because it allows filmmakers to address really big, universal themes and I saw an…

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