Interview with Screenwriter Dylan Stagno (Good Movie In The Luck Business)

Matthew Toffolo's Summary

Matthew Toffolo: What is your screenplay about?

Dylan Stagno: This screenplay mainly depicts two issues of Hollywood’s golden era. Firstly, Hollywood’s concern of Communist propaganda being infiltrated through the industry. Secondly, the leaps and bounds of which small time production companies had to go through in order to make their films on shoestring budgets.

2. What genres does your screenplay fall under?

Dark Comedy/Thriller.

3. Why should this screenplay be made into a movie?

It’s a screenplay about selling and producing a screenplay. It’s a unique never seen before tale that any filmmaker/writer/film enthusiast can relate too.

4. How would you describe this script in two words?

Unintentionally hilarious.

5. What movie have you seen the most times in your life?

‘’Bottle Rocket’’ by Wes Anderson.

6. How long have you been working on this screenplay?

A few months.

7. How many stories have you written? You ever heard of…

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Categorized as Festival

By WILDsound Festival

Submitters reactions to their feedback on their stories. New testimonials coming each month! Watch this month's winning readings. At least 15 performances a month: Submit your script, story, poem, or film to the festival today:

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Interview with Screenwriter Dylan Stagno (Good Movie In The Luck Business)

Matthew Toffolo's Summary

Matthew Toffolo: What is your screenplay about?

Dylan Stagno: This screenplay mainly depicts two issues of Hollywood’s golden era. Firstly, Hollywood’s concern of Communist propaganda being infiltrated through the industry. Secondly, the leaps and bounds of which small time production companies had to go through in order to make their films on shoestring budgets.

2. What genres does your screenplay fall under?

Dark Comedy/Thriller.

3. Why should this screenplay be made into a movie?

It’s a screenplay about selling and producing a screenplay. It’s a unique never seen before tale that any filmmaker/writer/film enthusiast can relate too.

4. How would you describe this script in two words?

Unintentionally hilarious.

5. What movie have you seen the most times in your life?

‘’Bottle Rocket’’ by Wes Anderson.

6. How long have you been working on this screenplay?

A few months.

7. How many stories have you written? You ever heard of…

View original post 226 more words

Categorized as Festival

By WILDsound Festival

Submitters reactions to their feedback on their stories. New testimonials coming each month! Watch this month's winning readings. At least 15 performances a month: Submit your script, story, poem, or film to the festival today:

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