Interview with Lawyer/Producer Shannon Harvey-Fung, Esq. (LEGAL FOX Web Series)

Matthew Toffolo's Summary

LEGAL FOX played to rave reviews at the June 2018 Web Series Festival in Toronto. It was also the winner of BEST MUSIC at the festival.

Check out award-winning Legal Fox TV™

Matthew Toffolo: What motivated you to make this web series?

Shannon Harvey-Fung: As a ‘logical lawyer’ – an arguably un-creative path – I wanted to combine my legal knowledge with something fun (and also tend to a gnawing creative spark.) Doing this in my provocative fashion was unconventional. Therefore, I initially had some hesitations. Then I remembered the words of my mother, who died young and unexpectedly, encouraging me to always do what’s in my heart and not be overly concerned about everyone’s perception. Armed with that wisdom I began to take proactive steps to ‘just do it’ and put out the first rendition of Legal Fox TV™

2. From the idea to the finished product, how…

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