Final fears, Twitter Short Story by Deena Douara

Watch the 140 Character Short Story – FINAL FEARS:

Get to know writer Deena Douara:

1) What is your very short story about?

It’s about reaching the end (probably prematurely) and realizing you haven’t lived in a way that inspires deep love, awe and specific memories.

2) What motivated you to write this story and submit it to the festival?

Honestly, there’s a lot of truth in there for me. You hear of young people who pass and there’s an outpouring of grief — they were the best friend or brightest student or made everyone around them laugh. Anyway, I guess I always felt likable enough but … less memorable maybe? Pretty morbid, sorry.

3) What movie have you seen the most in your life?

Stand By Me

4) How many scripts and stories have you written?

No scripts, numerous stories.

5) What artists would you love to work with?

No idea.

6) What is your passion in life?

Writing, travel and photography.

7) Any tips for other writers who want to write a 140 character short story?

Personally I like subtlety — a little bit of mystery.

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Submit your 140 character story and have it performed by a professional actor

Also, Free logline submissions. The Writing Festival network averages over 95,000 unique visitors a day.
Great way to get your story out:

Deadlines to Submit your Screenplay, Novel, Story, or Poem to the festival:

By WILDsound Festival

Submitters reactions to their feedback on their stories. New testimonials coming each month! Watch this month's winning readings. At least 15 performances a month: Submit your script, story, poem, or film to the festival today:

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