BEST SCENE of BROKEN FRAME, by Stephen Boncella

  Genre: Drama, Family Facing life on the streets, a returning Vietnam veteran must undertake his most difficult challenge; reconcile with estranged drug-addicted sister and stop her from selling the family farm out from under him. CAST LIST: Secretary: Kyra Weichert Kurt: Jarrod Terrell Narrator: Matt Barnes Mike: Rob Notman Lloyd: Allan Michael Brunet Emma: Meghan Allen ****** Producer: Matthew Toffolo… Continue reading BEST SCENE of BROKEN FRAME, by Stephen Boncella

Video Pitch for BROKEN FRAME, Feature Screenplay by Stephen Boncella

It’s 1975 and Mike Davis, a decorated Vietnam veteran, has trouble surving in an America plauged by high unemployment and hostile towards returning serviceman. He hopes for a fresh start in the one place he vowed never to return, the family farm he left in order to escape an abusive alcoholic father. Standing his way is Emma, the kid sister he abandoned long ago. She’s grown up to become a drug-addicted prostate and the current owner of the farm. Emma has her own plans for the farm, sell it to the highest bidder and move to LA.