HORROR 1st Scene Screenplay – FEAR OF THE DOPPELGANGER, by Jonah Jones


Genre: Horror, Thriller

The plot involves the lives of two versions of the same man who made a different decision years previously. As the story progresses, they both learn about the legend that if you meet your doppelganger, you will die.


Linda: Cassandra Sirois
Pamela: Vanessa Quaglaira
Narrator: Val Cole
Michael: James Murray
Phil: Nick Wicht

Get to know the writer:

 1. What is your screenplay about?

Michael; a man who made a decision in his teenage years which he regrets and his other self, Micky, who made the right decision and is now his doppelganger. The doppelganger knows about the protagonist and also knows that if they ever meet, they will both die.

2. What genres does your screenplay fall under?

Mystery, thriller, sci-fi.

3. Why should this screenplay be made into a movie?

Having the two characters played by the same actor wouldn’t work in any other medium except perhaps a novel. The science behind interference patterns can easily be explained but makes for great visual moments of patterns and wave-forms. Any cinematographer would drool at the possibilities.

4. How would you describe this script in two words?

Waves collide

5. What movie have you seen the most times in your life?

I’ve answered this before but I don’t remember what I said so I’ll go with Ben Hur (the Charlton Heston version)

6. How long have you been working on this screenplay?

This is very much draft one because I’ve been busy on other projects but probably two months.

7. How many stories have you written?

Again – I’ve answered this before and I can’t remember. I’m currently away from my main computer – at the Myrtle Beach International Film Festival where they’re showing Letters Home, a film I directed. To return to the question; I’ve been writing stories in one form or another for forty years so I have a fair few of them on my hard drive.

8. What is your favorite song? (Or, what song have you listened to the
most times in your life?)

Everything on my car CD player. Certain songs will always be in my head. Mostly 1960s British. Just heard Fields of Gold in a MacDonald’s. Could be that.

9. What obstacles did you face to finish this screenplay?

Trying to make the science of interference patterns easy to understand but not allowing the film to become a schoolroom.

10. Apart from writing, what else are you passionate about?

Wild-life, playing guitar, cartooning. I recently took up film directing and I’m enjoying that very much.

11. You entered your screenplay via FilmFreeway. What has been your
experiences working with the submission platform site?

They are easy to work with and efficient with it. I also hawk our films around the festivals. Film Freeway makes that so much easier.

12. What influenced you to enter the festival? What were your feelings
on the initial feedback you received?

This site feels like a home from home. The atmosphere is always encouraging, rather than critical and all of us could do with more carrot and less stick.


Producer: Matthew Toffolo http://www.matthewtoffolo.com

Director: Matthew Toffolo

Casting Director: Sean Ballantyne

Editor: Kimberly Villarruel

Camera Op: Mary Cox

By WILDsound Festival

Submitters reactions to their feedback on their stories. New testimonials coming each month! Watch this month's winning readings. At least 15 performances a month: www.wildsoundfestival.com Submit your script, story, poem, or film to the festival today: www.wildsound.ca

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